© Donna Milo 2011
Paid for by Donna Milo for City of Miami Commissioner

Miami Fighters Support Donna Milo for District 2 (TheCrespoGramReport.com)

The City of Miami Firefighters Local IAFF 587, announced their support of Donna Milo in her campaign against District 2 Miami City Commissioner Marc Sarnoff.

There are some who had speculated that the firefighters would support Kate Callahan, but Robert Suarez, President of the union indicated that they had decided to support Milo because they felt she had the best chance of winning.

The firefighters had the Mason-Dixon Polling company do a poll of the District in August that showed that 55% of those polled would support someone other than Sarnoff. Milo also led the other contenders in name recognition and in a head to head contest against Sarnoff.

Milo who ran for Congress last year, has demonstrated both a clear grasp of the issues facing the voters of District 2, and the practical campaign skills needed to wage a winning campaign against Sarnoff.

While the firefighters do not bring a lot of money to a campaign, they do bring significant political experience and resources, the most important being feet on the ground, as they demonstrated when they helped Sarnoff get elected in 2006.

This time out, the firefighters, who like many others are tired of Marc Sarnoff and his antics, have decided that he has worn his welcome out in the City of Miami.


Miami District 2 Forum hosted by Open Media Miami and the League of Women Voters

The League of Women Voters and Open Media Miami will host a forum with the District 1 and 2 candidates on Friday, Oct. 21, at the American Legion’s Post in the Upper Eastside (6445 N.E. Seventh Ave.). The event will be from 5 p.m to 8 p.m. and is open to the public.


Transgender Candidate, Donna Milo, For Miami Commissioner in District 2 (SouthFloridaGayNews.com)

Former Planning Advisory Board Vice-Chairman and community activist Donna Milo is gaining popularity and setting new standards since she announced her candidacy...


Activist Donna Milo endorsed by Log Cabin Republicans in Miami District 2

We publicly announce our support for Donna Milo in the race for City Commission District 2. We believe that Ms. Milo has demonstrated the ability to uphold our principles as Republicans, and we believe she will be a strong advocate for the LGBT Community in City Hall.

As a business owner, Ms. Milo has a keen sense of the needs of small businesses. We trust she will use her experience to foster a healthy environment for business development in Miami, and we know that experience will guide Ms. Milo towards prudent decision-making in matters of fiscal management.


News: Miami Commission Candidate Donna Milo at TMBC: ‘Cronyism is at the Core of all Evils’
(Sunpost Weekly)

With what everyone hopes is a Miami poised on the brink of real return, with the resurgence of the real estate market and red-hot entertainment venues, Milo is a candidate questioning the stewardship of the City. “The ship is not being steered with good leadership. We need to root out some of the corruption and cronyism. As a small business owner, I can bring some of my common sense to District 2 and to the City of Miami,” she offered before opening the floor up for questions.